
Telehealth vs In-Person Visits: A Guide to Telemedicine and In-Person Medical Care

Dec 18, 2023
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Choose telemedicine for minor issues and routine check-ups, but opt for in-person care during emergencies or for physical exams, vaccinations, and complex health concerns.

Taking charge of your health means making decisions that suit your unique needs. We've put together a guide to help you understand when to opt for telemedicine, schedule an in-person visit, or embark on an emergency adventure. Let's navigate your health journey together!


What is it? Telemedicine is like a virtual chat with your doctor, using a computer or phone. It's comfy and convenient!

When to use it:

  • Feeling a bit sick: For minor ailments like a cold, allergies, or a small infection, telemedicine is perfect. If you have mild symptoms like a sniffle, cough, or a small health worry, telemedicine is your go-to. Your doctor can guide you without you leaving your cozy space.
  • Medicine questions: If you have questions about your medicines or need a refill, a virtual visit works great.
  • Feeling down: For mental health support or emotional concerns, talking to a doctor online can be really helpful.
  • Follow-ups and check-ins: For routine check-ups, follow-up appointments, or discussions about ongoing health matters, telemedicine is a fantastic option.

In-Person Visits

What is it? In-person means going to see your doctor face-to-face.

When to go:

  • Emergency moments: If something really scary is happening, like you can't breathe well or you're hurt badly, it's time to head to the Urgent Care or Emergency Room (ER).
  • New or super bad problems: If you have new problems or ones that are getting worse, it's a good idea to see your doctor in person.
  • Vaccines and shots: When it's time for your vaccines or regular shots, you'll want to make an in-person appointment.
  • Physical examinations: For things that need hands-on checks, like a wound or possible broken bone, a thorough examination, or tests that require special machines, in-person visits may be required. This may sometimes be coordinated by your telemedicine provider in cases where you need simple routine bloodwork and other times may require an in-person visit for things like a suspected broken bone.

Remember, whether it's a virtual chat or an in-person visit, taking care of yourself is always the right choice. Here's to your well-being!