
Concierge Medicine

Telehealth, Urgent Care, Primary Care, Total Wellness, Concierge Medicine, Mens Health, Longevity, End of Life Care, Addiction Recovery, Born in Hawaii.

Concierge Medicine

Concierge Medicine services offered in Hawaii

Coming Soon!

Concierge medicine ensures you get the high-quality medical attention you deserve at fair and affordable prices. PueoMed Telehealth provides a range of health services through a web-based platform. Christopher Warholic, MD, MS, Melaina Salmon PA-C and the medical providers provide concierge members personalized attention to address your primary and urgent care needs. They also offer a Total Wellness Improvement Plan to boost your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Call PueoMed Telehealth to schedule a concierge medicine consultation or book an appointment online today. 

Email us at PueoMed@gmail.com for more information and to be notified as this service becomes available in the near future. 

In order to keep our prices low it is essential that we estabilsh the need for these services before hiring additional providers.  We assure you that we are committed to providing the best possible services at an affordable price.

Concierge Medicine Q &A

What is concierge medicine?

Concierge medicine is a healthcare model that gives you access to superior medical services through a membership program.

PueoMed Telehealth provides affordable membership fees and a range of services to meet all your healthcare needs. The providers take an evidence-based approach to medical care to address acute conditions that affect your health.

They also provide the tools you need to achieve optimal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The medical specialists take an integrative approach to your wellness and focus on improving patient satisfaction and health care outcomes.

What concierge medicine services are available?

PueoMed Telehealth offers a range of concierge services under their membership fee, including:

  • Primary care
  • Urgent care
  • Wellness coaching
  • End-of-life care
  • Total Wellness Improvement Plan

All services are available through an up-to-date, web-based platform. You meet with the medical providers online to discuss any questions or concerns about your health.

The concierge-style healthcare services at Pueo Telehealth allow you to meet with the providers from home, your hotel, or wherever you are.

What are the benefits of concierge medicine?

Concierge medicine provides many benefits for people who need ongoing or urgent medical care. The flat-rate membership fee and affordable pricing make it easier to get medical attention without a high price tag.

You also get more personalized attention from the medical providers at each virtual visit. You meet with your provider through the online telehealth platform to discuss your needs, any new symptoms, or questions you’d like to ask about your health. The medical providers spend quality time with each member so they can better understand what you need to be healthy.

Concierge telehealth services also keep your expenses low because you don’t have to travel to the office for doctor appointments. You can save money and time while still getting the expert medical care you need.

If you’re busy and find it hard to keep up with your routine primary care appointments, the concierge-style telehealth services at Pueo Telehealth provide greater flexibility in scheduling.

Call PueoMed Telehealth to learn more about the benefits of concierge medicine, or book an appointment online today.