
Urgent Care

Telehealth, Urgent Care, Primary Care, Total Wellness, Concierge Medicine, Mens Health, Longevity, End of Life Care, Addiction Recovery, Born in Hawaii.

Urgent Care

Urgent Care services offered in Hawaii

Unexpected illnesses or injuries can occur anytime. PueoMed offers comprehensive urgent care services through a convenient, web-based platform to help you avoid the busy, crowded emergency room when you are sick or hurt. You can meet with Christopher Warholic, MD, MS, Melaina Salmon PA-C and the experienced medical professionals to get a diagnosis for pain, fever, skin rashes, and other unexplained symptoms without leaving home. Call PueoMed to schedule an urgent care appointment or book a consultation online today.

Urgent Care Q & A

What is urgent care?

Urgent care describes services that care for sudden illnesses or unexpected injuries requiring immediate medical attention. With that said, urgent care is typically for conditions that aren’t severe enough to require emergency room care.

PueoMed offers urgent care services through an advanced, web-based platform, so you can meet with medical providers without leaving home. They provide diagnostic evaluations and customized care plans to help you feel better quickly.

Telehealth visits allow you to get the high-quality medical attention you need without the hassles or expenses of the hospital emergency room. The providers offer evidence-based resources to help you fully recover from an illness or injury.

When do I need urgent care?

You might need an urgent care visit at PueoMed if you experience symptoms of an illness or injury that you can’t treat on your own.

Symptoms or conditions that may require the immediate attention of a physician can include:

  • High fever
  • Skin rash
  • Ear pain
  • Sore throat
  • Chronic cough
  • Musculoskeletal pain
  • Persistent vomiting or diarrhea

If you have a head injury, bleeding wound, severe chest pain, or other serious health issues, you should visit the nearest emergency room or call 911 for immediate medical assistance.

When unsure if you need an urgent care appointment, you can call PueoMed to discuss your needs with the staff.

What happens during an urgent care appointment?

Ahead of your appointment with the PueoMed medical providers, the staff provides you with information to access the web-based healthcare platform and schedule a date and time for your visit.

At your appointment time, you connect to the telehealth platform on your smartphone, tablet, or computer and meet face-to-face with your provider. You can discuss your symptoms and ask questions about your health. Your provider also reviews your medical history and can determine if you need diagnostic testing.

PueoMed providers offer personalized treatment plans to relieve symptoms and support recovery. They may prescribe medications, rest, and other strategies to restore your health and can meet with you online for follow-up visits to monitor your recovery.

Call PueoMed to schedule an urgent care appointment or book a consultation online today.