
End of Life Planning and Care

Telehealth, Urgent Care, Primary Care, Total Wellness, Concierge Medicine, Mens Health, Longevity, End of Life Care, Addiction Recovery, Born in Hawaii.

End of Life Care

End of Life Care services offered in Hawaii

Coming Soon!

The end-of-life care services at PueoMed help you and your loved ones navigate the challenges that can arise as a person nears death. Christopher Warholic, MD, MS, Melaina Salmon PA-C, and the experienced medical team provide end-of-life care through an up-to-date, web-based platform, so you and your family can get the medical guidance you need without traveling to an office. Services are available to support the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of a dying loved one. Call PueoMed to schedule an end-of-life care consultation or book an appointment online today.

Email us at PueoMed@gmail.com for more information and to be notified as this service becomes available in the near future. 

In order to keep our prices low it is essential that we estabilsh the need for these services before hiring additional providers.  We assure you that we are committed to providing the best possible services at an affordable price.

End of Life Care Q & A

What is end-of-life care?

End-of-life care describes services that support you or your loved one’s needs when dying. These services may include medical care and emotional support in the days, weeks, or months before you make your transition.

PueoMed  offers comprehensive, compassionate end-of-life care for adults through a web-based platform. You and your loved ones meet with the medical providers from the comfort of your home, hospital bed, or nursing home to access high-quality medical guidance that supports your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.

What is involved in end-of-life care?

Everyone has different needs in the end stages of life. For some, death comes quickly, while others may experience a slower physical or mental health decline. You may also have personal preferences for where you’d like to die, whether in a facility or your own home.

PueoMed Telehealth provides comfort and care for all end-of-life stages. They can address health issues like breathing and digestive problems that are common in the final stages of life.

The providers can coordinate care with counselors if you or your loved one has severe anxiety or fears about dying. They can also provide resources to address your spiritual needs, so you can achieve peace before making your transition.

Additionally, PueoMed offers resources to support the physical, mental, and emotional needs of those caring for dying loved ones. They can provide strategies to help family members and caregivers keep up with their responsibilities without unnecessary stress.

What are the benefits of end-of-life care?

Because there are many factors to consider before a person dies of an illness or injury, the end-of-life services at PueoMed Telehealth can prevent you and your loved ones from feeling overwhelmed.

Some of the end-of-life care benefits include:

  • Providing symptom management
  • Reducing the need for hospital visits
  • Supporting an individual’s wishes and decisions for end-of-life
  • Providing support from caregivers and loved ones

Online access to end-of-life care is a stress-free and convenient way to connect with the experienced medical team when you need guidance to support yourself or your loved one. 

Call PueoMed to learn more about the benefits of end-of-life care, or book a consultation online today.